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6068 Nashville Hwy
Chapel Hill, TN 37034


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Let us handle your trash so you don't have to.

Terms of Service


96-gallon cart with 1 lift per week.


No extra carts, cans, or receptacles will be dumped. All garbage must fit into the provided 96 gallon rolling cart.


Provided cart must be placed at the road before 5am on the scheduled pick-up day. Failure to do so could result in missed pick up, which will result in resident not receiving lift for that week. The service provider will not return to pick up cart that was not placed at road, on scheduled day, by 5am.


The cart should be placed at the curb no more than 2 feet from the road and away from mailboxes, fences, gates etc. The cart lid opening should be facing the road. We use automated trucks and incorrect placement could result in a missed pick-up. Do not overfill or cram large items into the cart. Trash will not empty properly if the cart is packed tightly or overfilled.


Service Provider will use photo documentation to determine if cart was not placed by road at time of pick up.


All payments must be made online or by mail by the 15th of each month. Failure to do so will result in a $5.00 late fee.


Accounts with a balance 60 days past due will be placed on suspension. Once the balance is paid pick up will resume on the next regular pick-up day.


Service provider must be notified in writing via email ( if resident wishes to cancel service or is moving. Service provider requires 30 day notice of cancellation.


If service is cancelled during a month in which charges have already been applied no refunds or credit will be provided


The 96-gallon cart is the property of the service provider and must remain at the residence in which service is being provided at all times.


Customers who request 2 or more carts must keep them for a minimum of 6 months. After 6 months service can be amended.


Service provider has the right to amend terms of service at any time.

Weather and Holiday Schedule

If service is missed due to inclement weather service will resume on your next regularly scheduled pick up day. The provider will pick up both weeks of garbage at that pickup: We understand that there may be garbage outside of the container. Refunds will not be issued due to missed pickups during inclement weather. We will resume routes as soon as road conditions are safe, and landfills reopen. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Service provider is closed in observance of following holidays

New Years Day



Memorial Day

4th of July

Labor Day

Holiday schedules will be emailed to customers that will be affected by the closure. Schedule changes will be posted on Facebook as well.

Let us handle your trash so you don't have to.

About us

Volunteer Disposal is locally owned and operated business offering Residential and Commercial Garbage Disposal and Special Pickup Services.

Contact us

Volunteer Disposal
6068 Nashville Hwy
Chapel Hill, TN 37034